What is latitud24.com ?
It is an online point of sale restaurant platform. That is, it is an internet site where we can create a business account for your restaurant and where you can register the different products you sell and their prices. So you can sell not only in your restaurant but also outside of it to customers at home, work or office. Very similar to the most popular food applications that currently exist. Enter our app using google chrome from your computer or cell phone by typing https://latitud24.com
Why is it called latitude24.com ?
Because the application was created by a group of developers who are mostly from Culiacan, Sin. Mexico. And Culiacan is located at latitude 24 on the globe. Previously it was called https://pidelo.org
What are the differences between the most popular applications and latitude24.com ?
The main difference is that you can sell not only at home, but you can also sell to customers who come to your restaurant. You can create one cash register for each branch. The waiter can pick up the order at each table using his own cell phone or a cashier can take the order from a computer. Customers can see your menu on their cell phone by scanning the QR code. The cooks will only be able to see the orders on a tablet or on their cell phone. The distributors will only be able to see the orders that are ready to be delivered on their cell phones. You can print the account. You can manage separate accounts on a single table. You can merge all accounts into one account with a simple click. You can know in real time what each branch has sold. You can monitor your orders at your tables or home service. You can print the monthly report of your sales, among many other functions.
Can it be downloaded on my cell phone ?
Does it have any cost for my clients ?
Do I need to have internet in my restaurant ?
What happens if I no longer want to use the application ?
Contract it for only one month and if you no longer like it send us an email and we will deactivate your account without extra costs.